Imagining Possibilities


Man in brown hat sitting in wheelchair communicates with aac
Woman in red shirt sitting in wheelchair smiling
Woman in red sitting in wheelchair laughing
Woman wearing brown scarf stands with her arms apart
Woman wearing brown sweater and patterned shirt looks up and smiles

The Team

Our Toronto Leaders

Our Toronto team is made up of people with CP who take on leadership roles through mentoring younger participants and organizing the final performance show.

Woman in red shirt sitting in wheelchair smiling

Irene Klaus

Founding member who loves dancing

I live in Toronto, and attend North Yorkers Communication Enrichment Class. I have CP. I use a computer to talk with my head switch. I have been doing drama for 6 years. I love drama because it is fun. When I’m at the Imagining Possibilities workshops, I love to play Pass the Energy. In Pass the Energy, one of us receives the energy as an energy ball, gives it a size and colour, and listens to the emotion and mood we feel. Then we pass this energy to the next person, who can then play with it in their own way. I love attending the workshops.

Woman in red sitting in wheelchair laughing

Christine Jimenez

Founding member, loves iBand and sparking off stories

I grew up in Burlington. I moved to Toronto 12 years ago. I have been a member of the North Yorkers Communication Enrichment Class for 10 years. I was a painter and sold some of my paintings at an exhibit at the OFCP. In 2009, I received a scholarship to go to the ISAAC International Conference in Montreal. I am a Bliss alumni, and have been on the Board of Blissymbolics Communication Institute Canada for 2 years. I help make new bliss symbols. I am a member of the Bliss I-Band. I also like to play the guitar with my ipad.

Gabriel headshot

Gabriel Ly

Founding member, loves keeping the story characters in order

I grew up in Scarborough. I have been attending North Yorkers Communication Enrichment Class for 5 years. Since joining the Imagining Possibilities team, I’ve found that drama really helps me communicate and share my mind with others. My favourite game to play is Pass the Energy– but I like to think of the energy as a sports object. Like an NHL puck or soccer ball, it is much more powerful that way. When we create stories, I like to play the hero, rescuing people who are having problems and responding to 911 calls.

Woman wearing brown scarf stands with her arms apart

Elaine Drover

Founding member and loves getting out of her chair

I grew up in Newfoundland. I left in 2004 and came to Toronto in 2007. I live independently. I am a Bliss user and I am on the board of Blissymbolics Communication Institute Canada. I attended the Republic of Inclusion as part of the Progress Festival. For me, story-making is important because it helps us talk about new ideas and allows us to work together as a team.

Woman wearing brown sweater and patterned shirt looks up and smiles

Laura Leskur


I attended the workshop at the ISAAC conference. I loved making the stories. I started attending the Sunday sessions in September 2016. I was excited to get the chance to go to Hamilton and be a part of the Engaging Possibilities workshops. I am working to become a leadership team member. I was in charge of the bar at the Come to the Edge Performance. I love coming to drama and working together with everyone.

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